I know what it’s like. When you decide enough is enough. Time to raise the bar.
I’ve found life is always better on the other side.
High standards. According to whom? I already knew.
Asking for what you want, means knowing what you want in the first place. It’s the only way you’ll ever get it.
Look, I understand. So I’ll make it easy for you. Meet my standard. The guesswork is gone. Mindlessness is easy if you know how to give me what I want.
When it comes to my playthings, I expect better. And as it happens, you’ve always wished to live up to a strict woman’s standards. Do you think that’s an accident?
Consider this a wake up call. Are you ready? Transformation doesn’t happen overnight but there’s an ease in becoming who you were always meant to be in service to me and my will.
Easier than you can imagine.